Ekaaki Sampoorna Rigveda Ghanaparayana
22 May 2023 to 12 July 2023
Samhita Paatha is extensively used as the guideline in Shrouta Yagna & Smartha Karmanushtana (rituals). Understanding the core of the Mantras, their meanings, for learning and teaching (Adyananam & Adyapanam) is the essence of Pada Paatha. Prakruti Paatha is said to be complete when an aspirant moves from Moola Samhita Paatha (reciting mantra in a sentence form) to Pada & Krama Paatha (Sentence to words ; words progressive combination format). With this aspirant would have become adept on Mantra, their word(aksharaas), sound(swaras), Metre (chandas), intonation, pronunciation, ascent and sound combination of the Vedic lore.
पदक्रमविभागज्ञो वर्णक्रमविचक्षणः।
स्वरमात्राविशेषज्ञो गच्छेदाचार्य संपदम्|
In Prakruti Paatha (natural paatha) the words occur in normal sequence. Vikriti is when words do not occur in the natural sequence but follow a pattern. Having sound foundational knowledge of Pratihshaka (Vedic grammar / poetic treatise) and with to exposure to Vyali, Koundinya, Madusudhana types of Vikriti Paatha ,one is equipped to understand and appreciate the infinite beauty of the Vedic Sound (Vedic Lore). It helps in maintaining the pristine purity of Vedic sounds with correct intonation of words. The various methods of chanting bear testimony to the success with which the purity of sounds have been guarded. It takes 12 long samvatsaras (years) of dedicated relentless penance (tapas) to learn by heart Prakruti Paatha. Prakruti when coupled with Vikriti Paatha makes the aspirant standout and shine, like the jewels that shine on the arms of the individual. Ghana Paatha is the last stage and the most complex form in the Vedaadhyana order. It is the dream, goal and milestone for every aspirant or Vidyarthi in lifetime. The (Sri Matam’s) Spiritual powerhouses of Bharatha act examination centers and as certifying bodies for these Ghana Paatis through their strict examination process. A Ghana Parayana is 10 times more tougher than that of Samhita Parayana. It takes 320 hours whereas a Samhita Parayana takes 32 hours. 10 to 12 Vedic scholars join together and complete this Ghana Parayana in Padaksya format. Now for a Ghanapaati to chant the entire text in Ghana format single handedly (Eka vakta) he needs an outstanding intellect and remarkable retention power. He submits his learning/ rendering to a scholar extraordinaire on a one on one level (Eka Shrota) This is the uniqueness and format of Ekaki Ghana Parayana Now the scholar who renders this feat is personified and extolled for his virtues of superior intellect and humility . The below sloka takes it further and even says that such an individual is none other than Brahma, Vishnu and Mahaveshwara without any doubt.
घनपारायणं यस्तु सकृत्कुर्याद्विजोत्तमः।
स वै ब्रह्मा स वै विष्णु स्सवै रुद्रो न संशयः।

Chaturmasya - Kanchi Jagadguru Darshan - Kakinada (Sept 2022)
Members of Vedanada Gurukula and students recently sought the blessings of the revered Kanchi Jagadguru Sri Sankara Vijayendra Sarasvathi Svamigal. The visit aimed to receive spiritual guidance and blessings from the esteemed religious leader. The scholars and students, recognizing the profound wisdom and knowledge possessed by the Jagadguru, sought his blessings to enhance their understanding of Vedic scriptures and deepen their spiritual practice. The visit was an opportunity for them to express their reverence and seek the Jagadguru’s divine guidance on their spiritual journey.

Abhyutthaanam - Vedic Convocation (May 2022)
To acknowledge and reward the students of the Gurukula, a first of its kind Vedic Convocation Ceremony was held on May 15th, 2022 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. The programme commenced with a beautiful musical performance by Neyveli Shri R Santhana Gopalan and group. This was followed by the welcoming of the chief guests on to the stage. The chief guests for the event were Hon. Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Finance Minister, Government of India, H.H. Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiar, Mysore, Prof. Sri. K.E.Devanathan, Vice-Chancellor, Sanskrit University, Karnataka. The convocation honoured 8 students in total of which 3 had completed 12 years at the Gurukula to attain the qualification of Ghanapaati. The event had speeches by the guests of honour and members of the Gurukula. Words of appreciation and encouragement were shared by the Chief Guest and concluded with a photo session of the students and guests of honour.

Rig Veda Sampoorna Ghana Parayanam ( July/ August 2021)
To commemorate the passing out of the first set of Ganapaatis from the Gurukula, a sampoorna Ghana Parayanam was organized at the Gurukula premises. Adhyapaka Sri Govinda Prakash Bhat thought that the Vidyarthis ,after living 12 years with the Guru should be given a suitable gift. Normally Vidyarthis do not get a chance that easily to chant the complete portion once they leave a Paatasala . So he thoughtfully gave them a gift, which was a great opportunity to chant the complete Rig Veda in Ghana format so as to bring out their skills, learnt over 12 long years. . This involved a mammoth 40 days of chanting, at 8 hours per day. It was very challenging because the chanting team had to maintain good health throughout. Because chanting Ghana Parayanam calls for loud voice and that too for a sustained period, without anything happening to their vocal cords. To give an idea to the readers about the hardship involved, all of us know that even the best of musicians generally sings for 3 to 4 hours in a concert and that too just one or two concerts per week.
It started on 11th July 2021 and finished on 19th August 2021. By the grace of Veda Matha and blessings of the Acharyas the event went off uninterrupted. Six Ganapaatis participated, three from our Gurukula and three from outside . All were felicitated at the end of the event.This was also covered by ZOOM telecast ,for the first 5 days and the last 3 days. On an average about 40 viewers watched the chanting from the comfort of their homes.

Navaratri (October 2021)
Keeping up the tradition of celebrating the annual Navratri Utsav at the Gurukula, this year also the Utsav was conducted, although in a very simple way due to pandemic restrictions. On 15th October 2021 ,Plava Nama Samvathsaram, Vijayadashami day, Shri Chandika Homa was performed at the premises with usual fervour and devotion.