Vedanada Gurukula
Gurukula system of education is the original residential Indian institution to impart education to children. This is particularly relevant even today for Vedic studies. In this system the students live with the Guru and learn not only Vedas but also the requisite discipline, value-system, conduct, attitude, self-reliance, analytical thinking and makes them well rounded personalities. The students start at a tender age 7 or 8, leave their parents care, and live with the Guru typically till the age of about 20. The Vidyarthis are provided free stay, food, clothing and medical facilities during the entire course of study.
Veda Nada Gurukula, was started in the year 2009 as an arm of Kalyanapuri Vaidika Sabha ® (KVS). It is a Gurukula which teaches Rig Veda currently. Sri Govinda Prakash Bhat Ghanapaati took up the position of the Acharya of the Paatasala. Two students joined in November 2009 and a few more joined in May 2010. Currently there are 12 students, from various states of India. One unique feature is the mix of students from different siddhanta streams of Sanathana Dharma like Smarthas, Vaishnavas and Madhvas.
Initially the whole initiative started with a Navratri festival, Veda Nada Mahotsava at a place near Ragigudda, Bangalore and was later conducted at various places in Bangalore. The festival had Veda chanting sessions and Vedic rituals like Yagna ,Havana etc. in the morning and music ,lectures and cultural sessions in the evening. So there was ‘VEDA’ in the morning and NADA in the evening. Hence it was aptly named as VEDA NADA GURUKULA. In fact the cultural events initially funded the Gurukula and later on Gurukula was much more well known and hence started supporting other events
Know more about Vedanada Gurukula
The existing facility is operating with considerable constraints even with our current strength. Many students are seeking admission which, unfortunately, we are not able to accept. There is no scope to expand the facilities at the current location at Uttarahalli, Bangalore since it has become a hub of real estate development and therefore losing its earlier tranquil ambience
With this in mind as well as keeping our Vision of building a Vedic campus, we are looking out for more space, of say about 2 acres, in a radius of 30 to 40 kilometers from Bangalore.
We appeal to our patrons to help us in this initiative either by locating such a land if they know or come to know. Well-wishers can contribute towards this initiative either by money or by donation of land.


Sri K.Govind Prakash Bhat Ganapaati was born on 26-Jun-1973 and he is the fifth child of Smt. Durga Parameshwari & Sri. K.Shivarama Bhat. He is from Kannadaguli house, Manila village, South Canara, Karnataka and belongs to Vasishta Ghotra, Rigveda Aashwalayana Sutra and Shaakala Shaakha.
He started his vedic studies when he was eleven years old and learnt Rig veda from eminent scholars. He is one of the very few Vedic scholars who is also proficient in Carnatic music.
Gurukula - Method of teaching
The method of imparting Veda involves the traditional mode where Vidyarthis learn by hearing, committing to memory and repeating . Vedas are sounds, captured by Rishis in their deep state of contemplation. Sounds are universal and belong to all beings. Changes in sound pattern results in changing of Veda Mantras which in turn will have an impact on the intended results. Therefore, extreme care is taken to preserve the Vedic intonation and the resultant sound. So, the teacher chants a Veda mantra and the students will have to listen with care, commit to memory and repeat it. The teacher corrects if there is a mistake. Therefore, there cannot be a mass teaching. In the traditional way the mantras are never learnt by reading a book, for books cannot correct any mispronunciation or distorted sound. This reproduction of sound also calls for strict dietary regimen and disciplinary living. The teacher and the students dedicate their entire life for the preservation of Vedas.
Administration and Management
The Gurukula is supported by a group of trustees, who help run the Gurukula, in its administrative and financials aspects. They are a set of like-minded people with lot of experience hailing from different backgrounds. The Gurukula is run only by donations from well-wishers and fund raised during events like Navaratri festivals. Some schemes have been devised for well meaning participants.