About Us
The Vision of the Gurukula is to eventually build a Vedic campus, which will be an ideal place to develop Vedic culture and produce high quality students who will be erudite in Vedas but also well ingrained in our value system.
The campus apart from having a very pleasant environment, will have the following features:
- Veda Pataasala, where eventually all Vedas, Vedangas and Upaangas will be taught.
- Goshala which will serve many needs of the Gurukula and form an integral part of our system.
- Yagashala where the necessary rituals can be conducted.
- A nice hall where events can be conducted. A self-sufficient residential quarters for Adhyapak, Upadhyayas, students and other staff.
- A Vedaashraya which will accommodate Vaidhikas and their families who have grown old and need support.
- A good Library, manual and digital, to support reference and research.
Veda Nada Gurukula ,was started in the year 2009 as an arm Of Kalyanapuri Vaidika Sabha ® (KVS). It is a Gurukula which teaches Rig Veda currently.
KVS itself had its beginning in the year 2000 (Regn No 472/02-03) and has a noble mission of bringing together and supporting Vaidikas ,assisting them financially to tide over expenses such as marriage ,housing etc. Since Vaidhikas had one common duty of sustaining Vedas ,it was decided to facilitate study of Vedas in order to spread it to more students Thus a Rig Veda Paatasala was started and was given a name Veda Nada Gurukula.
Sri Govinda Prakash Bhat Ghanapaati took up the position of the Acharya of the Paatasala. Two students joined in November 2009 and a few more joined in May 2010.In the year 2011 the venue got shifted to the current location i.e the Thurahalli village ,Bangalore. Currently there are 12 students which includes students from various states of India. One unique feature is the mix of students from different siddhanta streams of Sanathana Dharma like Smarthas, Vaishnavas and Madhvas.
Origin of the name
Initially the whole initiative started with a Navratri festival, Veda Nada Mahotsava at a place near Ragigudda, Bangalore and was later conducted at various places in Bangalore. The festival had Veda chanting sessions and Vedic rituals like Yagna, Havana etc. in the morning and music, lectures and cultural sessions in the evening. So there was ‘VEDA’ in the morning and NADA in the evening. Hence it was aptly named as VEDA NADA GURUKULA. In fact the cultural events initially funded the Gurukula and later on Gurukula was much more well known and hence started supporting other events.